Should you need to make a payment to Higgins Insurance please contact our office to discuss the options.
If you are making a payment directly to your insurance company, please click on the name of your insurance company below to bring up information on how you can make the payment
To Pay Invoice: By Credit Card- Paying with credit card- need policy number, email address, amount, Credit Card number including expiry date & CVD number.
Aviva Elite
To Pay Invoice: By Credit Card- Paying with credit card- need policy number, email address, amount, Credit Card number including expiry date & CVD number.
To Pay Invoice: By Credit Card need account number & policy number, email address, enter payment information, credit card number, including expiry date & CVD number.
To Pay Invoice: By Credit Card- Paying with credit card- need policy number, email address, amount, Credit Card number including expiry date & CVD number.
To Pay Invoice: By Credit Card- Paying with credit card- need policy number, email address, amount, Credit Card number including expiry date & CVD number